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The Golden Shovel: Playoff Semifinal Edition

Welcome back to The Golden Shovel. As always, people will be buried. Continue reading at your own risk.

The season ends in six days. That means it's finally time for the best to win and rest to stop playing. This week, three teams face off for the right to move on to Summerslam to play against Ben for the ACFW championship. Instead of writing this week's edition myself, I decided to go to the players involved to get their thoughts on the match...

"The Foundation is gonna win no matter what, so it's okay."


"I like this match because I know I can beat them."


"I'm just happy to win. I mean be here. I'm just happy to be here."


Not much I can put here in response to those. But, the real entertaining part of this came when I asked the reigning champion for his thoughts on his potential competition. Here is what Ben had to say...

"So, the Golden Shovel wants to know what I have to say about my potential “competition” in the finals? Usually, I would say that I couldn’t be bothered thinking of such inconsequential things, but you caught me in a generous mood. Why am I in such a benevolent mood at the moment? Because I know that I have nothing to fear in the potential “competition”. People have said that you can’t achieve success without the risk of failure; that you can’t achieve success if you FEAR failure. I know that I have nothing to fear because of these 3 failures.

The first failure is new to the scene but nothing to be worried about. Tess enjoyed her week or two at the top but was forced to surrender the top of the mountain to me. It was all due to being too green. Rookie mistake after rookie mistake. I’ll be surprised if she even makes it to the championship.

The second failure has been under my wing for far too long. Madelyn has wriggled her way into the semifinals only because I allowed it. Too many times have I told her who to pick up and who to start. She thinks she can take care of herself but let’s see how she flies once I’ve removed her from under my wing.

The third failure is so good at being a failure, I’m almost positive that he wouldn’t know how to win the championship even if he made it that far. Jacob has all the potential to win it all and even take the championship from me. But, do you want to know why he won’t? Because he does this every season. Sure, he wants to win but he never wants to put in the work to earn the win. Until he proves otherwise, he’ll probably blow his chance at the championship again due to laziness and apathy.

Which brings me back to the most important thing... ME! I am the reigning, defending, undisputed ACFW champion and until I have some actual competition put some fear in me, I know that I can’t fail."

Wow. Someone likes to talk. We'll see if his trash talk is true on Sunday, but first we have to figure out who he'll be playing against. Will Tess be the first rookie to win a championship? Will Madelyn rebound from a terrible season and win this one? Or will Jacob finally reach the top of the mountain?

Tess is a 1.5 point favorite. Madelyn is a 2.5 point underdog. Who will win? Make sure to catch my championship preview this weekend. Until then, good luck to all!

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